About Us
PROGRAM SUPPORT: When your son becomes part of the Manzano soccer team, you as a parent become part of the booster club. The soccer program consists of a summer program (which includes weight training, conditioning and camps), preseason training, the regular season, senior recognition events, and an awards banquet.
To meet these expenses, each player is required to pay an annual fee to participate in the program. Sponsorships and fundraisers are required to make up the difference. Without your support in obtaining sponsors and making our fundraisers successful, additional player fee assessments would be required. Players are given opportunities to raise money to help them meet this obligation. The teams are usually announced by the end of August and the player fee is due by the end of the September. T
FUNDRAISERS: Most fundraisers benefit the players individually. These include car washes, pancake breakfasts and poster sales.
SALES: One of our fundraisers is selling merchandise (hats, t-shirts, paws, and pompoms) and working in the concession stand at specified home games. A member of each player’s family is required to work at one game selling merchandise or working in the concession stand. Coverage during games is arranged so that no one has to work during their son’s game
OPEN, Vice-President
OPEN, Secretary